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We work with students from the fields of psychology and social work. Our goal is to provide our pre-graduate volunteers as much professional experience as possible with both children and adults of different backgrounds in a supervised programme.

Professional volunteering is important. University students can gain practical experience while getting to know themselves in a professional aspect. Our supervision group offers them a chance to reflect on themselves and their work. As their professional identity is developing, they gain an insight into poverty and social disadvantage.

Hiszünk benne, hogy az önismeret és a saját történettel, nehézségekkel való munka nélkülözhetetlen a pszichológussá válásban, és hatalmas erőforrás. Ennek megfelelően a HogyVagy önkéntesek rendszeres szupervíziónkon reflektálhatnak magukra és élményeikre.


Volunteer with us in HUN!

We invite Hungarian speaking Social work or Psychology (BA III or MA) students to join our professional volunteer team!

Every year there is an intake usually around summer. We have a 4-day-long training, biweekly supervision is obligatory for the volunteers. The contract is for one school term.

To apply, send an email to:!

Alíz's opinion about the training:


"The three days of the training - together with the challenges - have been a fascinating experience for me. The logical structure of the content, the ratio of the theoretical background and interactive tasks, the incorporation of online materials (and I could go on) all contributed to the feeling, that every minute was worthwhile, important and has a reason to be there. I am really glad for two reasons. Firstly, theoretical knowledge from the university has got a new perspective and I could really understand the practical aspects of what I studied. Secondly, I gained relevant knowledge which helps to understand and re-frame a lot of practical experiences. I really liked that there has been big emphasis on trying ourselves in group situations as a child and as a volunteer as well and that we have had a chance to gradually involve in these situational games. To think together in such an active and cooperative group has been an exceptionally good experience. I haven't felt anything this useful for a long time, so thank you for this opportunity! :)"

500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158


Self-knowledge and mental health belong to everyone.

© 2017 Hogy Vagy Egyesület  I Köszi

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